When I used the PN3 mocap data I tried utilizing the auto import motion option in the CC4 program. The issue when importing the data is the shoulders are very squared. I used the PN3 profile. When I import my mocap from PN3s Axis studio to unreal engine however, the shoulders are perfect, which...More
CC manual says: Character Creator provides Delete Face feature to delete unnecessary mesh faces for fixing or trimming models. The models include character, clothes, hair, accessories and props. So the above statement is not true for cloth and hair. "Delete Face" button is not available while...More
Same goes for the cloth. This should not be happening. Please revert back and preserve physics tab, all settings and weight maps for accessories!...More
so. i imported a hoodie. transferred weights. and i got this (see screenshots) for a some reason weight transfer create weights in wrong places and doesn't apply weight where it should. i tried to move up both hands but only one sleeve moved up...More
Attempting to Launch Character Creator 4: "Connection failure: unexpected error," "This site cannot be reached" This has happened to me a few months ago under ticket 221426. We had tried all the normal avenues to reslove it but it ended up having Lilian contact someone to remotely long into...More
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHD9zR8cXbw Another quest besides the question posted in the video above, is to set the position of the head in the facial profile editor. in 3DXchance you could set the head by moving the Head_bone, in CC4 you can't set the position of the head by the bones...More
It's a bit of an inconvenience with no warning. If users are in the Facial Profile Editor and have for example used edit mesh to sculpt a morph and the user wants to render it first before baking CC4 will exit the FPE and enter the render options. Suggestion: maybe if there is an unbaked morph...More
First problem: It is not possible to import BVH files directly into CC4 as it was with 3DX. That means in order to create a custom profile we still need to use 3DX, or convert it to FBX outside of RL products. Example, is resent attempt to convert a huge library of Dataset BVH motions....More