When using the SmartGallery to equip Darksider and or Paladin items, which are not displayed inside the Content browser, the application crashes. The error may be due to CC trying to access content assets, while there are none available - only as SG items....More
hi have been trying to work out why it is that when i create a split head / body morph from one i have sculpted the eyes and teeth won't morph as well? can anyone please help?...More
programı açıyorum ama ekran görüntüsündeki şeyi diyor ve sonra ok a bastığım zaman bi dosya kaydediyor belgelere sonra bişeyler yükleniyoor sonra kapanıyor cancel diyincede loading default project de kalıyor ve açılmıyor...More
This concerns morph sliders with a range from -100 to 100. When the value is set at 100, a reset results in the value going to -100. Resetting again restores the value to 0. Steps:...More
When exporting a character assembled from SmartGallery with settings Unreal and MergedMesh Material 1024 resolution, the program becomes unresponsive, waited over 5 minutes....More
Specifically, characters that have custom morphs embedded in them. I "could" go into morph editor delete these custom morphs, and then it will convert, but I think the conversion should just remove the morphs automatically before it converts. It's a bunch of extra steps to do this. Also when...More
Hello there, I'm having some problems with a coat that is also placed over the wrist. i attached a image. left is CC3 (where it looks like it needs to be) on the right is the export with the unity template (only happend with the unity template). both parts from the coat on the wrist are rotated...More
I JUST purchases a Smart Hair preset, but when I try to apply, I get this error, "Failed to apply materials. Materials are not compatible with this object." What does it mean. It's not a meaningful message, which makes it difficult to debug especially for beginners. Click and drag shouldn...More