We need more tools that address the speed and efficiency of original character setup & rigging. We all want to spend less time rigging and more time animating and creating....More
Cartoon Animator is a very potent tool. You can create some nice animations with it. However when it comes to exporting, exchanging and re-using animations it is still somehow limited. There is a new open format which has made its way into Telegram chat clients for animated stickers. It's...More
I use 720p (1280x720) frame size a lot. Unfortunately the only way to set frame size is through Render window for each project. Often times when I start a new project I forget to set the frame size until the project is ready to render and then changing frame size messes up the entire scene...More
There is only 1 option 1sec = 30 fremes in the project settings. Working for TV in Europe I need 1 sec = 25 frames. Please correct it. I want to have a choice!...More
I found when I add actions to the face. the actions overwrites the voice clip and in effect removed the mouth animations, I don't see why this should happen, the fix was to either go through and manually delete the overwrite on the voice clip or re-apply the voice to re-establish the mouth...More
Sometimes there is a need to bring the entire character forward or back (Z axis) or left or right (X) or up or down (Y) by a specific number of units. It is easy enough when the character is static but when there is a lot of Transform animation already in place it becomes a bit of a pain because...More
I am very upset with the way I was treated in case 253509 and they did not reach a convincing solution for me and they kept repeating the same words to no avail. I will not repeat the explanation. You can review the case and advise me on what I can do because I feel that I was cheated and defrauded...More
Just installed it. An awful huge interface. I have 3 monitors - and it is not enough for me to use this program. I'm in thought ... My main monitor is 2k. Just compare with After Effects:...More
The tutorial page needs to be updated: https://www.reallusion.com/cartoon-animator/tutorial.html The Adding Clothing to G3 Characters in Photoshop, Stylizing G3 Characters in Photoshop, Changing G3 Color Style in Photoshop, and Animated Accessory Design videos should be under the Photoshop...More