I have a lot of G2 characters that I have made in prior versions. They use clothing and faces from standard Reallusion packs, but look much better than most existing G3 characters. I like the characters and the style of them, but the G3 bone rig and animation would make them perform much...More
I would love to see a facial component set that lets you create different facial components for different character styles. I would also love the set to be similar to the G360 dressing room set where the PSD files are included. The facial component set should focus on creating the different...More
Hi I use to be able to import layered psd files into Animator without any trouble after upgrading to the latest version 4.5.2918.1 which supposedly makes it easier to integrate psd files.. not so..layered ones won't import singles ones will. After installing the latest version none of my other...More
Hello Dev team. I has issue to upload Cartoon animator Motion file (.ctBmotion) . When I click Upload button at content developer software its show error. I put at attach a file (png). Hope Dev team can help me to fix this problem to make me upload and sell my content at realussion market....More
I am using a Cartoon Animator v4.51 Pipeline Trial. I cannot find the command of the Sprite editor. I am in trouble, because I cannot do a addition of new sprite and loading it....More
The option to export to MP4 which was available in CrazyTalk Animator 3 is as far as I can tell not available as an option in CTA 4.5. Since I'm new to CTA 4, am I missing something or is this option not available? If it is no longer available, are there any plans to include it in a future...More
Clothing PSD files for the Campus Hero Characters should be released to those who purchase both the Campus Hero pack and the Actor Dressing Room Pack. This is so clothing from the characters in the Campus Hero pack can easily be combined with the clothing from the Actor Dressing Room pack...More
Same as issue 6575 Forum link below shows this issue in past but no reproducible solution available. https://forum.reallusion.com/432190/Face-Tool-and-Hair-Tool-for-CA4-G360?Keywords=hair%20tool#bm432195...More
I bought the Hair Tools/Face Tools/Bonus for CA4. I downloaded each, but Hair Tools doesn't show up anywhere in the content manager. I have tried downloading several times, and I see Hair Tools in Finder. I had no trouble with the other assets, but I cannot figure out how to get Hair Tools...More
I am trying to create a face from a photo 360 ... but I do not own PHOTOSHOP. O do however own several programs that produce photoshop files and import photoshop files with layers. BUT cartoon animator will not accept these files... even when i tell the programs to produce an 8 bit psd file...More