Actors and Animation are not well organised in Content Manager and it can often be difficult to find what you want. So I make copies in Custom and rename them. It would be good to have a faceted search in the Content Manager, so as you typed the appropriate assets were included in the search...More
Hi! Please, think of adding another button on the top toolbar. To get one for bounding the image importation functionality to a bitmap external software, and one for vector formats....More
Hi! Ok, I did what you recommended and re installed CA from the hub. I indeed automatically found item of my CTA3 that I had under the form of either *.rlcontent or *.exe files. However, the new system you implemented years ago doesn't contain the contents that had been purchased before this...More
I really thought that the Bone Hand feature would be useful but after some months using it, I find I have returned to Sprite hands for most situations. Why? Well, the most common application of needing fine control over the fingers is when your character is holding something, or perhaps playing...More
dans layer ajustement je ne vois pas la suppression de l'ensemble " human motion bone " a coté des layers et bones de l'acteur que j'ai fait ? -- quand je clique sur LIST COLLAPSE.--- améliorer le menu serai bien....More
Hi, While trying to learn how to use this program and trying to follow the Tutorial to the letter, I find the narrator using certain accessories that I don't have. So it would have been a better idea for the tutor to have stayed within the program and accessories that are available to me. Don...More
Currently, when a MOV is imported as a prop, it plays immediately, and keeps loop throughout the timeline. There is no way of controlling this. There should really be basic video controls, such as: - When to start playing (this would allow it to be faded-in with opacity before playing)....More
I am using CA4 to crate a feature film. 21 characters with thousands of audio tracks and I've never done this before. All of the audio has been pre recorded and when I was practicing and went to upload my audio files I was almost brought to tears when I got a notification that 96000hz was not...More