Currently, when a MOV is imported as a prop, it plays immediately, and keeps loop throughout the timeline. There is no way of controlling this. There should really be basic video controls, such as: - When to start playing (this would allow it to be faded-in with opacity before playing)....More
Hi! Please, think of adding another button on the top toolbar. To get one for bounding the image importation functionality to a bitmap external software, and one for vector formats....More
Hi, I am hoping that we can get a new "Subtitle" feature which lets us click a box in stage mode so that subtitles are generated automatically from character voices (into a top-most image layer) from whatever the characters are saying, please? We would need to be able to choose: 1) Our custom...More
I really thought that the Bone Hand feature would be useful but after some months using it, I find I have returned to Sprite hands for most situations. Why? Well, the most common application of needing fine control over the fingers is when your character is holding something, or perhaps playing...More
When you open Cartoon Animator you are greeted by a pop-up and a blank screen. I would like to see a home screen option that has news, templates, projects, and a way to download recent files. I attached some screenshots of example home screens from various products....More
dans layer ajustement je ne vois pas la suppression de l'ensemble " human motion bone " a coté des layers et bones de l'acteur que j'ai fait ? -- quand je clique sur LIST COLLAPSE.--- améliorer le menu serai bien....More
Hi, I do a lot of live zoom sessions using animated MP4 backgrounds (which I make in CA4 and iClone). Unlike Microsoft Teams, Zoom permits MP4s to replace our backgrounds so I can look like I am going live from any toon location, in any genre from Sci F to Fantasy, Jurrasic, alien planet...More