Cartoon Animator 4
Issue 8515
Livestream a CA4 character as an avatar with Background for Zoom meetings.
Hi, I do a lot of live zoom sessions using animated MP4 backgrounds (which I make in CA4 and iClone).

Unlike Microsoft Teams, Zoom permits MP4s to replace our backgrounds so I can look like I am going live from any toon location, in any genre from Sci F to Fantasy, Jurrasic, alien planet, orbit, underwater or wherever.

Decades ago, before CTA3, I used to use an old CartoonChat which let us choose an avatar and toon background for chatting to other classrooms of students all over the world.

So I am wondering if it might be possible... with CA5 hopefully... to combine a CA4 voice controlled character and an animated looping background... perhaps with an auto-blink and default breathing motion... some basic hand signals, like waving and thumbs up/down & ok...

Which will enable us to perform LIVE zoom sessions as mp4's using our own custom characters and our own animated "looping" backgrounds in CA4 if possible please...?

I use both Windows 8.1 (in my office) and Windows 10 on my laptop when travelling).

Note: my seamlessly looping backgrounds are usually only 14 to 30 seconds long... like on a space station, with space ships intermittently flying past the windows... or a Jurassic forest with waterfall and grazing dinosaurs in the background.

Sample files can be provided upon request, and I'd be happy to help with betatesting, if this idea is feasible enough to progress into production.

And if so, for the marketplace, I already have a stack of seamless animated MP4 backgrounds, which are designed specifically to leave room for the main speaker in the centre of the screen, while subtle interesting action occurs in the scene "around" them. They've already been extensively field-tested, so I already know which styles get awesome reactions from other zoom participants of any age, from school children in class environments up to high level government and corporate professional presentations.

So this is also why I think a livestreaming CA4 avatar with looping background would be highly marketable, if it is possible from a programming perspective.

Note: The only catch that I'm aware of is internet speed, but CA4 1280 MP4s can be up to 60 seconds for each seamless loop without slowing down my net speed during any Zoom sessions, with optimal loops of 30 seconds.
OS: Windows 8.1
  •  0
  •  542
Submitted byTarampa Studios