I am trying to create a face from a photo 360 ... but I do not own PHOTOSHOP. O do however own several programs that produce photoshop files and import photoshop files with layers. BUT cartoon animator will not accept these files... even when i tell the programs to produce an 8 bit psd file...More
1 - It would be great advantage if it would be possible to "import a image sequence", not only movies (as most animation programs do have this option - even Amiga in its golden years back in 1990) to CA4 to the background or to the image layer. If there would be more than one "image level"...More
Would it be possible to have a SAVE button as well as a SAVE AS button, and also could we have an autosave feature which we can switch on or off from preferences. I am making these suggestions as I am having multiple crashes with one particular animation I am creating and I keep having to...More
Being colorblind, in CA4 and CTA3 it is hard to tell whether an option is selected or not; 3D Motion Angle Alignment; Loop; etc. I am currently working my way through the Crazytalk Animator 2 Training Video and notice that in CTA2 it is a lot easier to tell whether an option is selected or...More
Sometimes there is a need to bring the entire character forward or back (Z axis) or left or right (X) or up or down (Y) by a specific number of units. It is easy enough when the character is static but when there is a lot of Transform animation already in place it becomes a bit of a pain because...More
Here's the use case. I created an animation project and half way through there was a need to push all the animation for one character (transform, motion, facial animation, etc) a few keyframes down the timeline in order to make room for the intro. I have not been able to find a way to do it...More
I use 720p (1280x720) frame size a lot. Unfortunately the only way to set frame size is through Render window for each project. Often times when I start a new project I forget to set the frame size until the project is ready to render and then changing frame size messes up the entire scene...More
Cartoon Animator is a very potent tool. You can create some nice animations with it. However when it comes to exporting, exchanging and re-using animations it is still somehow limited. There is a new open format which has made its way into Telegram chat clients for animated stickers. It's...More
When I work with heads that have a longer snout - especially the ones that have additional facial components that extend into the nose area like colour spots, freckles, etc - I find that masking them at higher angles (45-90 degrees) can be challenging because currently CA can only mask against...More
It would be great to have the ability to copy selected facial features rather than all at once, similar to the way Mirroring works. Right now it only allows to copy the whole set....More