I'm exploring the new AccuRIG and there are some maniability matters I'd like to address: - It would be much easier to have a middle line to which we can snap the joints for the bones that need to be right in the middle like in mixamo (head/neck/groin/pelvis ...etc). Side bones are mirrored...More
It would be really nice if we could adjust the motion capture with more granular settings. If you know Mixamo, they have settings like "Style, Overdrive, Stance, Energy Level, Distance (for a jumping capture), Enthusiasm, Hit Intensity" etc. all dependend of the kind of capture....More
I would like to filter the Motion Capture library by captures I have already purchased. Another helpful filter would be looping. Also the captures that have "start, loop, end" are much more valuable that the ones that don't have that....More
Currently the rigging tool is made for humanoids with flexible joints. It would be nice to see a feature for rigging rigid or semi-rigid characters. For example let's say I have a stone golem model with a floating head. I would like to make his arm and leg joints flexible, but keep the head...More
iClone 7.x failed to load the iAvatar file saved by AccuRIG. It could read the FBX file exported by AccuRIG, but couldn't apply the motion on it. It is not a system issue. Please help to review and to fix the issue. I like this new auto-rigging function of AccuRIG. It saved time in the...More