The program cashes and disappears without a warning or dialogue pop-up. Just gone. My process: 1) Downloaded a tree from Evermotion (sample download)...More
We here at the River Creek Sunburn Studios identified the Exchange Pipeline as a bottleneck for faster adoption of iClone software. Making the Exchange Pipeline free would mean more developers come in, more content is produced, and ultimately more people buy iClone in the process. Why is...More
I am trying to import my Delorean model. The file is a OBJ file that is about 364K in size and has a little over a 2.5k Face Count. When I tried to import the file the first time, 3DXChange just closed without any error. When I tried to import the file the second time, it complained about a...More
When you get genesis 8 in to 3dxchange 7,4 the feet poses wrong. when you imported this in to iclone the feet is still wrong. Ex in motion puppet the feet is still wrong....More
I've used 3DXChange last week when it wasn't updated to Version 7.5 and when I imported any sort of Character it worked perfectly fine. I have a mixamo rigged character and now that I've updated to Version 7.5 the program crashed on Import. It gets stuck on the last step Converting Real-time...More
It's my understanding 3DXchange will open a .3ds scene file and allow you to export Alembic or .abc format for import to UE4. My 3ds file contains a PathDeform WSM (World Space Modifier) which doesn't export other than via Alembic, and UE4 can only take such animations via Alembic. No? If so...More