iClone 7
Not Reproducible
Issue 8348
iClone iClone.exe - Application Error
This error has just recently started occurring. There does not seem to be a pattern. Sometimes it has occurred when I moved the timeline cursor. Sometimes it occurs when the program is sitting idle. Sometimes it occurs when I open a new object. Sometimes it occurs when I save an object.
It has happened with small projects and larger projects.

But I can make it crash after I add the 16 Turret from the Physics Toolbox to a scene and push the Shoot button. This happens even when I load the Physics object into an empty scene.

I can make this error by 1. Start iClone. 2. Select the Set Panel 3. Select Prop submen 4. Double click to open the Physics Toolbox folder 5. Double click to open th Structure subfolder. 6. Double click on the 16 Turret and load it into the scene. 7. Open the Project Settings panel. 8. Go to Global Physics Settings then select Bullet Engine (leave all the other default settings) 9. In the Scene, click on Shoot button in Px Toolbox control box.

Keep in mind this error occurs randomly during the normal operation of iClone. If I find a pattern in those instances I will let you know.
OS: Windows 10
  • iClone Application Error.JPG
  • iClone Application Error Large.JPG
  •  2
  •  1703
Submitted byckalan1
Hi Reallution

I also get this error more often lately. different operations lead to this error.
Hope you can help me in another way as you said. I tried your method but it didn't work.
os: window 11
Thank you very much.
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi fortunately.cuong,

Can you provide your project file to us?You can use cloud services such as Google Drive, Dropbox or OneDrive to make the files available to us and put the link in your comment. You can use Private Comment if you want to keep it private.

Hi Reallution

when I open a previously created file. File size is about 180mb. then an error occurs as shown (Figures 1 and 2). Some other cases such as matching camel operations give the same error (Figures 3 and 4).
  • 1.png
  • 2.png
  • 3.png
  • 4.png
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi fortunately.cuong,

Can you tell us what you did before iClone crashed?You can tell us the steps or ca[ture a screen video about this issue, put it on the YouTube, and add the link in your next comment.Thanks.

Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi ckalan1,

We can repeat the defect of Physics Toolbox.The next time you have a random crash,if possible, please remember what you have done and tell us.If you can't repeat it,please do sa below:

When you see the crash dialog,don't close the it.
Step1: Open the Task Manager
Step2: Click the "Processes" tab
Step3: Right-click on the "iClone 7 AP"
Step4: Click the "Create dump file"

Then provide the crash dump to us.
