iClone 7
Issue 8034
Severe bug(s) converting Nature Terrain Generator props to terrain
I've been trying to use NTG and frequently running into horrendous bugs converting to terrain. If I try to convert all of the props simultaneously to multiple terrains, it often fails with the same bug I am about to describe. Even if it succeeds, resulting the frame rate is insanely slow, unusable for even modestly large terrains. Thus, I've been using the following method:
1) Unlink all tiles from the group and then delete the group
2) Attach all but the first tile to the first tile
3) Merge sub-props so I have a single prop (nothing else is in the project)
4) Try to convert that one prop to a terrain.

Mostly I've been using 9x9 at highest resolution. But the results are highly variable. Sometimes the conversion completes in five minutes (not very often!). Sometimes it takes hours. Much of the time it runs overnight without completing. If I try to interact with iClone during such a time, sometimes it just puts up an hourglass and ignores me, and sometimes iClone instantly crashes with no message of any sort. It just vanishes from the screen. Here is a link to such a project, 9x9. Rampa over in Tech Support has confirmed that this apparently runs forever.!Ajg0RFCmjsUihKdkV-rxHWh4Ynnmmw?e=m8ZgDt

More evidence for a severe bug is how the converted terrain looks when selected. Usually the red lines in several places extend outside the terrain. Here is a link to a 3x9 which converted in seconds. Select the terrain and note what it looks like on the screen. I attached a screenshot of what it looks like on my screen.!Ajg0RFCmjsUihKdlffp8V-X1EKE-8w?e=LHCIhG

I claim that iClone has a bug in the prop-to-terrain conversion which is causing corruption in the internal terrain data structure. This bug is so severe that it greatly impedes my use of NTG for anything but very small terrains.
OS: Windows 10
  • TerrainWeirdDisplay.jpg
  •  3
  •  605
Submitted byTimothyMasters
I don't care about the red lines outside the terrain... I just submitted that as possible evidence of a bug in terrain conversion.

My real problem is that most of the time, when I create a 9x9 NTG, the conversion to terrain runs forever without completing, and very often if I click somewhere in the iClone window, it instantly crashes completely.  This means that it is nearly impossible for me to use NRG to create large terrains.  Something funny happens at 24 percent.  That's where it usually or always sits forever.
Feedback Tracker Admin
I know,I have transfer the two issues to our RD department.
The project that created that terrain is long gone, but it was trivial to do it again.  I just generated a 3x9 at highest resolution, unlinked from the group, deleted the group, attached all to the first block, and merged sub-props.  I converted this prop to terrain and observed the same type of random garbage, though at different places from the prior example.  Here is the project before conversion to terrain.  Note when you convert it, it will sit at 24% for quite a while before completing.  Don't give up.!Ajg0RFCmjsUihKdmxUzdcRvV1ih8WQ?e=5AJYmH
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi TimothyMasters,

I have got it.You are so good for creating a project for us.Thank you very much.


Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi TimothyMasters,

Can you provide the project bebore Convertting to Terrain which is named 3x9 ?

Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi TimothyMasters,

The red lines in several places extend outside the terrain --- When you convert prop to Terrain,prop will Activate Physics and change Bound Type to self mesh,the red lines are prop's self mesh.Please find the sub-prop which have red lines,only change it to self mesh.If it has red lines,it's not a bug.And I will transfer another two issues that convert to Terrain slow and crash to our RD department.
