iClone 7
Issue 3421
Send Morphs from 3DXchange to Morph Animation
I'm amazed that no one thought to include this, but there needs to be a way to send imported morphs that already exist in the figures to the morph animation section. Right now, you can have a figure in iClone that already has morphs with it, but there's no way to select these existing morphs in the Morph animation section. Right now, if there is a morph for the figure you've already imported into iClone --there's no way to access the pre-existing morphs in the morph animation section. So even if you took the time to import the morphs once, you have to now import them again. This does not make any sense. If you've already got the morph, then you shouldn't have to export it, than import it in order to get the morph into the Morph Animation section.
OS: Windows 10
  •  0
  •  1873
Submitted bywill2power71