Character Creator 3
Issue 5555
Organize morphs
For the moment we can't organize morphs as we want (easily, I mean, maybe we can edit a file for this task, I didn't find it).
- You have the general order : Body, head, with sub categories, and sub-sub-categories if you purchased essential morphs.
- You can have favorites, but you can't arrange them, the order is the order of choices you did during your work.
Sometimes morphs can be a mess, with similar morphs (but not side by side, why?) and so on.

I'd like to have a tab where I can organize the morphs as I want, to suit my workflow for example. If I try to mimic a real person, I'd start by his height, his gender, and then I continue with general proportions of his head, his members, and so on.

So I would have:
> Actor
___> Basic
______- Height
______- Gender
______- ...
___> General proportions
______> Head
_________- ...
______> Arm
_________- ...
______> Legs
_________- ...
___> Head
______> ...
___> Chest
______> ...
___> Torso
______> ...
______> ...
___> Special
___> Unused
And so on. It's just an example. The morphs could be changed, moved, renamed, etc. by drag and drop. Same thing for the edition of the tree. Of course, the standard organization remains unchanged.

It would be a huge time saver, I think.
OS: Windows 10
  •  0
  •  1031
Submitted byteto45