iClone 8
Issue 9505
Need option to disable auto-keyframing. Also, any property that's animated should be visible in the Timeline.
Need option to disable auto-keyframing. Most animation applications don't automatically add a keyframe every time you move an object like a light or camera or change the color of a material. At a minimum, there should be an option to turn that behavior off. Can't tell you how many times I've moved a light only to realize I wasn't at frame 0 when I did it. Then hit play and the light starts moving around. Not good.

Also, any property that's animated should be visible in the Timeline. As it is (for example), you can inadvertently add a keyframe for material color because you changed its value, but when you go to the timeline, there's no indication of what the change was and no way to edit it.

BTW: The options in your "General tag" section (apparently a required field) on this Feedback form are too limited and don't include obvious general categories like "Animation" or "Timeline"
OS: Windows 10
  •  6
  •  461
Submitted bybarca-8
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Always wondered why you can't disable auto key framing. Pretty standard
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