Character Creator 4
Issue 11452
Issue with CC Control Rig Bake
First Issue: Motion Changes After Bake with Unreal Engine Control Rig Plugin
When baking motions with the Unreal Engine Control Rig Plugin, the motion changes from the original. I noticed the same issue in Reallusion's YouTube videos. Using the CC Control Rig Sample Unreal Engine Project provided by Reallusion, I encountered the same problem. Even without any motion, baking with the CC Control Rig changes the motion, sometimes altering the arm's position.

When baking with the CC Control Rig for the first time, the arms behave differently in FK and IK modes. The original motion and the one baked with the Unreal default FK Control Rig are identical, but the one baked with the CC Control Rig and then switched to IK are different.

I've attached a video showing the issues with the CC Control Rig.

Additional Issue: Face Control Rig Not Baking Certain Controls
There are issues with the right upper lip controls (CTRL_R_mouth_purseU and CTRL_R_mouth_funnelU) not baking properly in the Face Control Rig. This is visible in the Reallusion tutorial video around the 4-minute mark.

I've found a solution and would like it addressed in a future update. The issue arises because the CC Extended facial blend shapes have separate values for purse and funnel controls (four values each), while the CC Standard blend shapes combine these into single controls. This discrepancy causes problems when baking Extended characters.

To resolve this, I disconnected the blueprint in the Rig Graph's Backwards Solve that sets values for the upper right lip for Standard characters. This workaround should be fine for Extended Facial versions but may cause issues with Standard versions.

Additionally, when baking with the CC Face Rig, movements of bones like the eyes or jaw seem to be doubled. For example, if the original motion had the eyes looking slightly downward, after baking with the CC Face Rig, the eyes look completely downward, and the same goes for the jaw.

This issue also occurred with Kevin in the Sample Unreal Project provided by Reallusion.

Also, due to the above issue, I tried following a method I found on YouTube: baking the body first and then the face. This method shows less difference than baking the face first, but there's still a slight discrepancy from the original motion.

Additionally, after making adjustments with the CC Control Rig, if I right-click on the body or blueprint and select 'Bake to Animation Sequence,' the facial animation doesn't appear.

However, if I right-click on the face and select 'Bake to Animation Sequence,' it includes the body as well.
What's the principle behind this? Is this the correct method?

Here's the test video at Google Drive link.

Additional Question on Facial Animation in Character Creator:

When importing facial animations into Character Creator via FBX, does only the Morph data move, leaving the bones static? Previously, when the bone names and structure matched the default CC character, I used Kevin's Facial Profile to animate eye and jaw bones. However, with different bone names and structures, it doesn't work. Does this mean the only way to achieve bone movement is to manually adjust and save these adjustments? Is there a method to import facial bone movements, like for the jaw and eyes, via FBX or other means?
OS: Windows 11
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  •  231
Submitted byedu.vrlab