iClone 7
Issue 5742
Hip and abdominal extend bones have no effect when activated as spring bones
It is my understanding that certain iClone avatars (including G6), in addition to having spring bones for the breasts, have hip and abdominal extend bones which can be used as springs (to create soft body dynamics in the stomach and glutes). I have managed to turn these extend bones into springs using the process outlined below, but they don't seem to have any effect.

Here are the steps to reproduce the problem:

1. Load "0.Jade.iAvatar" (included with iClone) from the Content Manager in iClone.
2. In the Modify panel, choose "Edit in 3dxchange"
3. In 3dxchange, choose "Edit Spring"
4. Select "CC_Base_R_Hip0" in the Scene Tree, and click"Active Spring" to activate the spring.
5. Repeat step 4 with "CC_Base_L_Hip0"
6. Click "Apply," then "Apply to iClone"
7. Note that both "CC_Base_R_Hip0" and "CC_Base_L_Hip0" are enabled in the "Spring" section of the Modify panel, but they do not seem to have any effect regardless of settings.

It seems that the hip & abdominal extend bones in "0.Jade.iAvatar" are not skin-weighted to the character mesh.
OS: Windows 10
  •  1
  •  1417
Submitted byHookflash
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi, Hookflash,

CC character's hip & abdominal extend bones are not skin-weighted to the character mesh, we do not have plan to update it now, this update will impact the exiting contents a lot (eg. morph sliders).
