iClone 7
Issue 7494
Error importing 3D character model from CraracterCreator to iClone 7.
1. Made a character model in CraracterCreator for iClone(Female Character).
2. Trying to import into iClone 7.
3. Application error and crash(bad memory).

"Инструкция по адресу 0x00007FF72E0239D4 обратилась к памяти по адресу 0x0000000000000000. Память не может быть read"

The instruction at address 0x00007FF72E0239D4 accessed memory at address 0x00000000000000000000. The memory cannot be read.
OS: Windows 10
  •  3
  •  723
Submitted byiliakutaev
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi iliakutaev,

I can import your character to iClone,can you provide your crash dump file to help us identify the problem?The method of creating dump is in below comment.Thanks.

Good day again.
The program crashed five times on importing one character. I don’t know if it’s a lot or a little for you. I sent the character. The project is empty, and it is not saved (before importing the character, there is nothing to save, because it is empty, and after importing it crashes (it crashed, because I just checked it - ok). I suspect that he does not like the path to the file * .iAvatar, which the Everything program copies. Everything copies a file with the "file: ///" prefix every 20-30 attempts. The dxdiag file is attached. Anyway, nothing else from me, because the error is gone. See you soon.
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi iliakutaev,

When you export character from CC3 to iClone7, will it crash every time? If so, please provide your character for us to check. If not, there are 3 things I need your help with:

1. Once crash, try to find the dump file under
Step1: When the AP crashes, please do not close the crash dialog
Step2: Open the Task Manager
Step3: Click the "Processes" tab
Step4: Right-click on the "iClone 7 AP"
Step5: Click the "Create dump file"

You will get the crash dump, please send it to us.

2. If possible, please give us your project.
Please put it (.dmp, .iProject) on cloud and give me the link so we can repeat the crash issue.

3. Please provide the dxdiag file for us.
Step1: Select the "Start" menu, click "run".
Step2: Input "dxdiag" & click "ok".
Step3: It will check your system for a while, after finish, click "save all information".
Step4: Save "DxDiag.txt" and send it to us.

Thank you very much for your assistance.
