iClone 7
Not a Bug
Issue 6232
"Eliminate Shadow Artifact" is only partially fixed in IC7.6
Indeed, when running "Render Scene" with "Stand Alone Render (save mi scene)", artifacts are getting smoothed out in the rendered image.

However, if I turn around and initiate the render again from the Export folder directly, or use just "Save Mi Scene" and then render, artifacts are still there.

Looks like that parameter is passed *softly* into the render routine, but is NOT hard-coded into the Exported scene file.
OS: Windows 10
  •  5
  •  1228
Submitted by4u2ges
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi 4u2ges,

It's great. Thanks again for your feedback. ^^

Hi Soya,

You are right! It was a Windows 10 issue! 

Although I was pointing to the right executable it was still picking up the old one from beta for some reason. 

After cleaning the registry for .mi file association and recreating it, all is working fine.

Thank you.
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi 4u2ges,

Thank you for replying.

From your video, I found that there are two versions of IrayStandaloneRenderer on your computer. Please take a look at the attached file. When the rendering is complete, the old version of the dialog will display a button. Starting from Iray v1.11 and later, two buttons will appear. This issue may be caused by Microsoft's "open with". You can remove the old version of Iray, or change the old Iray path and try again. ^_^

  • old.jpg
  • new.jpg
Hi Soya,

I found where the real problem is.

Apparently there is a big difference in the output depending on how the Batch Renderer is executed and that needs to be fixed.

All is OK, when I use drag and drop scene file onto the Batch Renderer executable.

However, if I use *Open With* feature of Windows (or simply make file association and double-click the scene file), the outcome is totally different.

I do not know what else might be wrong there using *Open with*, but so far I can see 2 things wrong.

1. Shadow Artifacts removal is not working.
2. At the end when message pops up, there is no option to view the log.

Please see the video:
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi 4u2ges,

The settings of Eliminate Shadow Artifact is written in mi. Theoretically, you take mi file to render directly and it should generate the same result. 

Can you provide the detailed steps to help us reproduce the issue? Thank you very much.
