Character Creator 4
Issue 8642
Character Creator 4.01 crashes when opening a Windows Load/Save Dialogue...
Ever since installing the 4.01 update, Character Creator freezes and then crashes when opening a Windows Load/Save Dialogue box.

It seems to happen about 95% of the time. When I updated CC4, the first time that I went to Create->Accessory, I noticed that the window was showing files as "Large Tiles" instead of the usual "Details" view, with no way to change it. When I went to select a file, the program didn't respond and then CC4 crashed. This happens almost every time a Windows Dialogue box is opened. Whether I click Create->Accessory or Create->Prop.

Drag and Drop works fine, except it always brings the file in as a Prop, with no option for turning it into an Accessory to adjust position, etc., before transferring weights to make clothing.

This problem also occurs when using either the standard File->Import or File->Export menu items. As soon as the Windows Dialogue window opens (the box is usually pure white now, as CC4 crashes so quickly it doesn't even render the contents of the box), CC4 crashes.

Currently, I'm having to import as Accessory to CC3, save as an accessory in the Smart Gallery, then open CC4 and bring the items in by loading them via the Smart Content window as a CC3 asset. Other than the hassle of adjusting the item size, position, rotation and scale (which seems to differ from CC3), loading and saving items from the Smart Gallery works fine.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
OS: Windows 10
  •  2
  •  2001
Submitted byCangridHoss
Well, never mind. I seem to still have the same issues as in my original post...
I believe I have solved the issue.  I uninstalled Character Creator via the Hub, then re-downloaded it and then reinstalled it.  Must have been something to do with the 4.01 updater that caused the issue on my system. 

Hopefully this may help someone else who might have the same issue.