iClone 8
Issue 8665
Change the size of a character in the timeline
Actually, we can change the size of a character, but it's not possible to do it during an animation.
Very frustrating and limited for fantasy projects including magics, transformations, giant monster, power effects, ...etc.
This is an essential feature and I'm sure I'm not the only one who need it!
I already made a ticket with iClone 7 about it three years ago. This feature is available in all animation software, but I don't want to change just for that...! There is no way to just "unlock" the scale tool? I wonder why it's possible to use the scale tool on objects but not on characters.

For the moment ,the only way to do that is :

-to change the size of the environnement/objects to give the illusion that's the character which is changing size if the camera is correcly positionned. (but can work only if there is one character in the scene.)

-The second tricks would be to make the animation of a character in iClone, then export the character with the animation, then import the character you just exported. It won't be anymore a CC3+ character, but at least you can make the changing scale effect animation. It's a lot of waste of time as you need to put the character at the same position of the old one which you have to "hide visibility", and then reimport a new CC3+ character with the new size at the good location.

I could earn many hours of work and stop to use tricks if that feature would be available. So please, I would love a better solution : Unlock the scale tool for characters!
OS: Windows 10
  •  6
  •  686
Submitted byLeowald
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this is what we need ...
at least xyz tranformation ability for all of bones [elbows, knees, head, neck, chest, etc]
Yes, this is a needed feature!
This will be super helpful!  and its very exciting!!!!!!!!!! Please add this iclone. :D
Yes, It is incredible that you can even "animate" scaling in Poser/DAZ, - although I would not want to - not to mention any other professional software. I too was trying to create a growing monster idea and was surprised that it was not animateable property. I tried to see if I could attach it to a box shape (linking is available but does not work) and scale the box. Nope. Pretty much kiboshed the whole way I was going to go about the shot.
I fully support the request above. 

Elementary scaling turns into an impossible action... I need the character to transform into the likeness of the Hulk, but this is impossible, because with this kind of transformation, the character must increase in size, and this is currently impossible.
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