Had received this error while installing on 9/27. At first I thought it was because it was that I needed to update my graphics card. I did that and tried again. Later there was an issue with storage space, but that was resolved and CC3 was running. I was able to run transfer Daz3d V4, M4, Genesis 1, 2 and 3 figures and follow the you tube tutes, but was unable to export to IC7 because I was getting a corrupt file notice. I tried exporting the CC2 figures I've already created and they worked fine. Then last night I thought to try to export the CC3 default figure to IC7, and I got the same corrupt file notice. When I uninstalled CC3 and then attempted to reinstall was when I got the attached notice. I've aborted several times and attempted to reinstall and got the same result. When I clicked 'Ignore' everything loaded up and ran, but the files were corrupt when I attempted to export to IC7.
Thank you for your feedback.
CRC error means that the CC3 installer was damaged during download, and the component that was used to export file was corrupted. When you click "Ignore", it just skipped the corrupted file and installed an incomplete sets of files.
Please try download the CC3 installer again, or use Reallusion Hub to download and install CC3, and let us know does the issue still occur?
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