Character Creator 3
Not Reproducible
Issue 6440
CC3 don't launch with nVidia studio driver (441.28)
CC3 don't launch with the newest nVidia driver (441.28 - 11/18/2019).
Start screen appears then nothing. i have this issue for some versions. This bug is kind of old, and there are already closed bug reports.
I also tryed the newest, normal nVidia Game Ready driver.
I can not rollback the drivers, becouse my last driver is the Game Ready one -> same bug.

Please do something! This must be fixed on reallusion side, i see bug reports changed to fixed, please do not set this to fixed if its not.
When you close this bug report, we can not communitcate anymore and collect the informations.
OS: Windows 10
  •  13
  •  4567
Submitted byHitEmUp
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So its maybe some other bug? I see that iclone starts ok, but CC3 not, i realy like to check out Headshot!
I already tryed: Downgrade to 440.97 and 441.34 :/

The Starscreen shows up, and then go away, nothing. iclone work!
I'm using 441.28 Studio on Win 10 Pro 1903 without any issues.
Maybe a error screen with this infos should be fine.
OK, so I notice that there is also a 411.28 STUDIO driver, which should be OK.

Given all this confusion, it would be helpful if we had a regular advisory notice from RL stating which latest driver version is safe to use.
There was indeed something wrong with the 411.28 driver.

Nvidia issued a hotfix driver 441.34: 

I would again suggest not immediately install the latest drivers.

Note for RL: Please don't suggest for people to update their drivers to the latest, as we have seen how that works out. Instead recommend the latest Studio version that works.

BTW, tests have shown that Studio drivers do not affect game performance, and they give you a more stable system.
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