iClone 8
Issue 11242
Bug: Viseme Lip Option "Smoothing" is not applied when collecting clips
Although the "Smooth" options from the Lip Options window work within the iClone Timeline itself, they do get applied to MotionPlus files that are saved via Collect Clip. Although the Lip Option settings will be in the saved clip, the Smoothing will be completely ignored.

After adding a Viseme, I added Lip Options (See attached A.png), setting smoothing to 5 for testing purposes. I then uses Collect Clip to export that portion of the timeline as a MotionPlus file.

Now I drag that same MotionPlus file back onto the timeline, and confirm that all looks well. (See attached B.png, where you can see that the lip smoothing still exists). HOWEVER, when playing this potion of the timeline, no lip smoothing is actually taking place at all.

Critically, this also means that when exporting the clips for use in Character Creator, there will be no lip smoothing either.

Note that the "Clip Strength" setting on Lip Options does appear to work corrected for clips exported this way. So this appears to be unique to Smoothing.
OS: Windows 11
  • B.png
  • A.png
  •  1
  •  34
Submitted bydan.goyette
I've looked more into this, and written up my analysis on the forums:

In short, lip smoothly seems to only be applied if the "Collect Clip" range starts earlier enough in the timeline. I believe this is a bug in the code that determines if a given Lip Options should be used. It should be doing something like: "If Collect Clip time range between 'Lip Options Start Time' and 'Lip Options Start Time' + 'Lip Options duration', apply smoothing". Instead, I think it's not using the Start Time, and is instead doing something like this: "If Collect Clip time range between '0' and '0' + 'Lip Options duration', apply smoothing"

I hope this is a fairly simple fix, because it complete breaks this feature.