Character Creator 3
Fix In Review
Issue 7828
Beardbuilder only online
Hallo Supportteam,
nach dem Update von Iclone, CC3 und 3DXchange auf die aktuelle Version (stand März 2021), habe ich die Add ons Beard & Eyebrow Builder und Prime Hairstyles gekauft. Leider sind die Bärte nur online nutzbar. Augenbrauen, Prime Hairstyles und Hair Patches kann ich zwar offline nutzen, aber die grüne "news-Ecke" im Vorschau-Fenster bleibt trotzdem bestehen. Gruß Arne

Hello support team,
after updating Iclone, CC3 and 3DXchange to the current version (as of March 2021), I purchased the add ons Beard & Eyebrow Builder and Prime Hairstyles. Unfortunately, the beards are only usable online. Eyebrows, Prime Hairstyles and Hair Patches I am able to use offline, but the green "news corner" in the preview window still remains.
Greetings Arne
OS: Windows 10
  •  3
  •  1549
Submitted byw7media
Hello Tina,
thank you very much for your quick help. All content can now be run offline. 
Greetings Arne
Hi Tina,

I updated the new version from character creator (3.41), but the problems are still remains. To explain it, I put some pictures below. 

The pictures 1-4 show the beard builder in the smart gallery and in the content view. As you can see, the "green corner news" does not disappear from the preview image in the content view, regardless of whether the PC is online or offline. 
If the PC is offline, I can´t work with it because of the license message appears.
Pictures 5 and 6 show the Prime Hairstyles in online and offline mode. Also here the "green corner news" remains in the preview picture. However, all hairstyles in offline mode can be dragged onto the character without the license message.
Images 7 and 8 show the eyebrow content. Here, too, offline operation is possible, but the "green corner news" remains.

  • Pic1_Beard smart gallery view_ PC offline.jpg
  • Pic2_Beard smart gallery view_PC online.jpg
  • Pic3_Beard content view_PC offline.jpg
  • Pic4_Beard content view_PC online.jpg
  • Pic5_Prime Hairstyles content view_PC online&offline.jpg
  • Pic6_Prime Hairstyles smartgallery view_PC online&offline.jpg
  • Pic7_Eyebrows smart gallery view_ PC offline&online.jpg
  • Pic8_Eyebrows content view_PC online&offline.jpg
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi Arne

Thanks for your reply!

This seems some drm issue, could you help me to try these steps:
1. Turn online
2. Log-in your account in Reallusion Hub
3. Open Character Creator and wait for Smart Gallery syncing (you'll see green progress bar on panel bottom)
4. Toolbar > Click Help
5. Click "Activate Entire Library"
6. Wait for the progress to complete

After this step, your content should refresh their drm info.
Please try to apply content/ apply content after re-open the program/ apply content in offline, etc.

Then, about the "green corner news", because new hair content is kind of "Shared" content by CC & IC, so there's different behavior from normal content.
And this issue is already submit to our engineer, we'll try to fix it in future version.

Please feel free to contact me if any, thank you!
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi w7media

Thanks for your feedback!
Because we've just released latest version (April 2021), please update your program by Reallusion Hub.
Newest version: Character Creator v3.41 with Smart Gallery v1.2.

After update, Please open program to check if the content pack's usable or not.
And if the issue still happens, please provide your operation by photo or video to let us clarify the cause.

Please feel free to contact us if any, thank you!