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為感謝今年參賽者的踴躍報名,並鼓勵參賽者透過3D動畫技術,發揮多元創意與設計。特增加「佳作」表揚項目,得獎者將獲頒ASIAGRAPH 佳作證書。


參賽者國家: 台灣
參賽者學校: 正修科技大學
參賽者團隊: 梁逸惠、許曦文、戴婉婷
指導老師: 陳玉珠
作品名稱: The legend of Taiwanese aboriginal
改編自原住民遠古的傳說,講述族群的融合。 我們不先敞開心胸去接受別人,只懂得固執己見的自私想法, 又怎麼會有良好的互動呢?最糟糕的是還演變成互相傷害。 很多時候,族群之間的誤會跟仇恨,是源自於好幾代以前, 學習放下仇恨,包容與愛心,智慧與寬恕,解除對立,拉近族群之間的距離。
參賽者國家: Korea
參賽者學校: Hansung University
參賽者團隊: Sodam Park, Sunmin Yin ,
Ji eun Park
指導老師: Younggeun An
作品名稱: Nearby
A 30 year old man was not recognized good worker from co-worker. One day, he runs away from the company and thinks about his past. He realizes that he had love from his parents even though he was bullied by his classmates. He has overcome his bad situations, and realized that there are important people near him. We want people to realize that everyone has important people in their life!
參賽者國家: Japan
參賽者學校: Kanagawa Institute of Tecnology
參賽者團隊: Hisataka Suzuki, Ryo Nakamura, Takumi Matsumoto
指導老師: Akihiko Shirai
作品名稱: AbnormalVillage
We made this work with a concept of "Innocence". Children kill ant with no clear meaning. A girl in this work is same as those children. For this girl, kill old men is just like playing video game. So she is innocent. Old men are very kind. They do not discriminating others. So they welcomed a girl when she came to this village. This act is like children in kindergarten. They make friendship with all class mates. So old men are innocent. With this work, we want to show the conflict of Innocence.
參賽者國家: Japan
參賽者學校: Tokyo University of Technology
參賽者團隊: Takahito Oike, Shunsuke Kasuga, Houkai You
指導老師: Kenji Watanabe
作品名稱: a Girl and a broken Tree
a broken tree stood on a hill. One day,The Girl was playing with her dog on the top of the hill. then an old man came to cut down a broken tree. she asked him to stop cutting down the tree. what was the answer of the man? why she let him to stop cutting?
參賽者國家: 台灣
參賽者學校: 崑山科技大學
參賽者團隊: 陳佑杰、蔡銘源、曾毓婷
指導老師: 張世熙
作品名稱: 妹妹揹著洋娃娃