Creating Multiple Heads

Your desired photo or image might contain one or more persons. With earlier versions of CrazyTalk, it was necessary to use a video editor to combine several videos with one speaker into a conversation.

In CrazyTalk 6, however, you may add up to four models to generate scenarios with conversations, which facilitates the creation of a conversation without another video editor.

Basically, every project always possesses at least one model. If you wish to add more models, please follow the steps below:

Creating Multiple Heads

  1. Click the Model button at the top of the main program.

  2. Click on the Face Fitting button.

  3. The Face Fitting panel displays.

  4. Click the Add Model button.

  5. Drag on the preview window to frame out the range for another model (you may repeat the steps to create up to four models).

  6. Click the OK button to confirm and exit.

  7. More models are generated on the Model page.

Picking Target Model

To select a model:


  • Please refer to the following sections for more information:

    Wire Frame Mode - Character Frame and Head Frame

    Editing the Background Mask

    Defining Background Mask for Entire Character

  • The frames of the models are not allowed to overlap with each other.