Wire Frame Mode - Character Frame and Head Frame

CrazyTalk automatically generates the wire frame surrounding the face according to the 4 points you set in the Face Fitting panel. The points and lines define the model's range in the image and how the facial features of the model in the photo are mapped to the ones of the 3D virtual head.

Character Frame and Head Frame

The frame of a model can be divided into two parts, Character Frame and Head Frame.

Character Frame

The character frame (quadrilateral wire) defines the Primary Mask of the project. Whenever you replace the background with a solid color or an image, the primary mask retains the color of the original image.

Please ensure that the character frame covering the whole head and body defines only the correct character transformation area, and that the facial animation does not exceed the effective range.

Character Frame

Primary Mask (screen area) Defined

Background Replaced with Image

Head Frame

It defines the head area of the model, includes the facial features, the nose, the mouth, or even objects such as hair or long ears that are attached to the head. Please refer to Hair Mesh Layer for more information.

Basic Facial Mode and Detailed Facial Mode

You may click the Basic Facial Mode or Detailed Facial Mode button to view the wire frame and drag the control points or lines to fit a character’s face much more precisely.

