Nothing special but if IC8 here begins to devil...hmmmmmmm.... just take a look in the abandoned project please btw....just an excellent piece of software we LOVE it....but sure the are bugs on the start....More
Steps to Reproduce the Issue: 1. Imported my .fbx of custom terrain created in WC3 (optimized to better work in iclone by decimating and removing unneeded vertices in blender) 2. Converted this .fbx to a terrain in iClone 8....More
It seems with larger projects, the shift+mousewheel zoom speed doesn't work (even after adjusting the settings in preference settings). It works fine using the shift with the zoom tool and left click in the view window okay. Just the shift+mousewheel part isn't working. It seems okay with small...More
In the workflow, I want to make the human character transparent, so I select all the components in the material list window, then set the opacity to 1 using the opacity slider. The problem is that instead of making all components transparent, it always makes only the object transparent which...More
1. Import Ch15_Non_Pbr character 2. Convert motionfile Walk_with_Rifle - ( exported from mixamo for this Character ) 3. Dragging this onto the Animation track or double click in filebrowser...More
I have projects created in iClone 7 that have an aspect ratio of 2048 x 858. In iClone 8, if I open the project via the file menu, the viewer aspect is correct but if I open a project by dragging and dropping from the File Explorer into the viewer, the vertical gets stretched to fill the default...More
I am struggling with the thumb issue since iClone 7 in my mocaps and I only face this with reallsion softwares! I hoped this would be fixed in iClone 8! I don't want to fix the thumb manually every time I mocap! I have the Perception Neuron Studio with the gloves here....More
hello, upon loading any character downloaded inside iClone 8 from a character pack or a scene formerly from iClone 7, well, this causes Iclone 8 to crash every time! Unworkable at present....More
After selection of Edit Motion Layer, there is no tool pop up panel, no IK / IF tool, no add keyframe tool. Only solve is manually select model's points, make movement but CANT ADD KEYFRAMES THIS IS THE 3RD TIME THIS HAS HAPPENDED. SO FRUSTRATING....More
Hi all. I haven't reported my crashing issues until now, but I've been having them. I updated tonight to the latest, hoping that would fix it, but no such luck. I created three new short scenes earlier but now none of those scenes will open. iClone just crashes. I've attached my system...More