When get the position of the bones from an avatar and then set the value cause the bone move. This is because the value you get is wrong and when you set it. The avatar try reach the new position....More
When you want the local (or world) rotation of a bone from an Avatar. You mostly want it without the rig init rotation. Ex: if you go to the edit motion layer > FK you see that the rotation for a certain bone is zeroed out. So if you get a qauternion rotation you should get [0,0,0,1]. But currently...More
When you get a RTransform object and get the x,y,z and w from it. The call alters the source values. So when you call model.LocalTransform().R().X() the first time you get a certain value. When you call it again in the next row (in the same tick) you get another value. Tested via visual studio...More
Since there are functions to Add keys to a material component we also need functions to Remove keys. Example: Have: def RLPy.RIMaterialComponent.AddDiffuseKey(self, kTime, strMeshName, strMaterialName, kColor)...More