After upgraded to the latest version, CTA3 started exporting wrong frame sizes. eg, if I export a medium shot, CTA3 will give me a close up shot. And it failed to save project files many times. I uninstalled CTA3 and reinstall it from the previous version, no issue at all. But it automatically...More
I believe it is easier to get the animation that we needed when CTA3 is able to list down all the animations available under certain group than having to peer into all categories just for the sake of one particular animation that suits the need. Thank you....More
Boy, where to begin. First all of this is happening with my first animation in Crazy Talk, and I am using Saul's body with a custom face fitted photo. What's basically happening is, if I use the face puppet, things go okay. But then I'll animate part of the body, or - actually to keep this...More
Please. For professional animation, sometimes it's better to not have the software automatically tween between keyframes. I would like to request the ability to turn off the auto-tweened feature or may interactively choose what is auto tweened and what is not. It is sometimes better to pose...More
yes it's...CTA 3 is the best in the Field but The timeline make it hard and shut to do with it... 1-The Transform button is bad or Useless U Can make one button for (scale,Rotate and Position)...How!? 2-We Need To Make More one Scene in the some project without delete all thing...More
Hi, I'm having trouble getting SWF files to work reliably *inside* CTA3 as animated props. Sometimes they work great, sometimes with glitches, and sometimes not at all. Also, when dragging them into a scene in CTA3, we don't get an option to use them as an image layer, background or character...More
I am completly satisfied with CTA3 and I thank you. I want to point two directions where you could improve : 1 - I have bought so many items and packages, when I buy new ones them I have to check if I already bought, it is long and fastidious this could be done from your side and not as requested...More
I was trying to follow along with the technique in the YT video "CrazyTalk Animator 3 Tutorial - Applying a Talking Head to Any Object" when I hit a snag. You can see the problem in a screenshot video I've uploaded to
When I use the original sample character with template motion, it works. But when I try to swap the arm to another sprite, the sprite just doesn't attached to the bone. You can see the attached images, 01 is the original, 02 is changing another sprite of the arm....More