Crazy Talk 8 won't install on Mac Monterey. Installer encounters an error immediately and locks up. I see that this is a common issue but can't find an answer....More
Recently bought the crazy talk pipeline and the output far below expectation. When working on the crazy app, the character almost resembles the photo, once exported to Iclone and apply to CC1 character, there is no similarity with the face created on Crazy talk. Please advise why this is happening...More
I try to create a New Actor. I get two steps in and as soon as I add the Face Fitting Editor the program crashes. On all five PCS on which it is installed....More
Guten Tag, da ich nach langer Krankheit nun mit einem neuen Rechner wieder mit Crazy Talk aktiv werden wollte, musste ich leider feststellen, dass das Deaktivieren meiner alten Lizenzen nicht mehr möglich ist. Gibt es hierzu eine Alternative. Da meine damals hinterlegte E-Mail-Adresse auch...More
The tool bar on the software is very small and difficult to read. The icons and the descriptive wording next to the icons overlap. I don't see where or how to correct this problem. Your help would be appreciated. Thanks, Pat...More
Hi I have a problem and it is not possible to reinstalling Crazy Talk 8 Pro on my iMac5K retina intel 8core i9. Vegas pro 51 8GB I dit have any problem but on Monterey the Installing is not possible...More
I am re-installing Crazytalk on a new desktop. I have purchased the 10-pack business heads. I have installed Crazytalk successfully. I believe I have installed the business heads correctly. The business heads do not appear automatically in Crazytalk. I have searched the net. I would...More