exporting fbx for ue4 with merge uvs by type creates maps that all match except for the orm map. the diffuse and normal maps generated line up perfectly but the orm map is completely different on where the mesh islands are located. this creates terrible lighting/roughness/specular/metallic...More
Reported the bug here: https://www.reallusion.com/FeedBackTracker/Issue/Smart-Gallery-causes-CC3-crash Sadly, CC3 still crashes with the latest update also....More
It's off by default and for some people it does not even exist in the registry. Please fix it, or give an update with .reg file (I can post the file, but registry is sensitive. It should come from you). More info is at the forum: https://forum.reallusion.com/FindPost478912.aspx...More
Good morning. Having an issue with the program freezing and crashing when editing shoe elements. Able to create accessory and scale shoe to size, but when I select edit mesh and select element program freezing and is not responsive. Tried uninstalling smart gallery and reopening program but...More
I’ve reinstalled five times cc3 either hangs on load or freezes loading a project at 0 percent. Nothing is working where can I download an older working version?...More
hi have been trying to work out why it is that when i create a split head / body morph from one i have sculpted the eyes and teeth won't morph as well? can anyone please help?...More
The color issue when updating the textures still exists. Maybe it coheres with the fact, that Headshot is completely ignoring ICC-colorprofiles which may be embedded into images/photographs?...More