Currently with Transformer, you can import a Daz character with one set of Diffuse textures per single face, arm, leg, and torso body part. However, most Daz characters have >1 variant texture sets for face, arm, leg, and body in the Daz character's material folder. (Ie with and without...More
The devs already know that a bump map coming in from Daz (or anywhere, really) needs to be turned down (and on the "Import All Textures" routine they have a file where they save the bump strength settings, among other things, and by default it's at 15 or so). For the ini file that loads in...More
It is great as-is having the ability to one off bring in your Daz characters to a CC base....amazing! But what would be even more incredible is if you could have all the maps for a character converted in one full swoop if you wanted, thus being able to later pick and choose which texture you...More