The current behavior of the CTI means that whenever you click somewhere in the timeline, the CTI moves to that point. However, that behavior can be quite annoying when you're copy & pasting keyframes etc, as it moves to whatever keyframe you click on etc. It would be great to have an option...More
The Cartoon Animator 4 manual says the 3d animations can be applied to any character in the Diagrams for 3D and 2D motions. This is also under the Using Character Motions section. The marketing page for the Pipeline version says they can only be applied to G2 characters. Please update the...More
Is it possible to loop a 2D motion that is applied to a character? After applying the 3D motion eg. walk. And I drag the motion to loop it. It will repeat but it jumps back to the starting position. I can not see an option to align the hips to the end of the previous cycle like we can with...More
When you add a flag to the timeline, the flag icon is at the bottom of the timeline instead of in the middle. When adding additional tracks underneath, it gets covered up. This makes it difficult to move and delete the flags....More
My previous attempt to submit this bug report was closed as "not a bug" without explanation. It is a bug, so I am resubmitting with steps to reproduce. The problem, as described in the summary above, is that when you click the Motion Curve button in the Elastic Motion Editor and try to select...More
Add a front-facing G3 character to the scene, then, from the Content Manager, apply Animation -> Motion -> Human Basic Motion -> 02_Idle -> F_Normal. The character's left hand will begin to twitch and flop around....More
The CC3 weight map painter could be converted to a plugin that can exist in iClone & CTA for Physics Texture Painting directly on the model with texture bake. Physics could be driven by Java or other shader but get instructions what is flexible or not from weight painted textures....More
I updated my pipeline version of cartoon animator. i found AE at the top, followed the instructions but it wouldnt load. Is it because i only have adobe photo shop elements?i have tried to attach the file you requested but it wouldnt let me...More
The only options in the elastic motion bar are entrance and exit. There is no way to fix this to change it to an emphasis after editing with the Elastic Motion Editor. You have to delete the animation and use the keyframes in order to keep it as an emphasis motion. My suggestion is to add...More