I have a lot of G2 characters that I have made in prior versions. They use clothing and faces from standard Reallusion packs, but look much better than most existing G3 characters. I like the characters and the style of them, but the G3 bone rig and animation would make them perform much...More
Comment retrouver les acteurs,Les décors,Les props Que j'avais Acheter Ou bien créer? Ils sont sur Cta3 pipelines, Mais n'apparaissent pas Sur Cartoon animation : Copie des pages Quand je les demande : Les caractères sont Très peu lisible Et les fichiers Impossible À charger Dans un projet...More
In general, many G3 characters are visually unappealing and the latest batch included in CTA4 Power Tools vol. 1- Social Buddies are especially so. The whole "modernist flaccid minimalist pastel" appearance is just as disappointing here in CA4 as it is in CTA3. Fundamentally these G3 characters...More