Cartoon Animator 4
Not Reproducible
Issue 6034
Lots of crashes today :(
Lots of crashing today! :( I was making a G3 character play guitar, and had fine-tuned the animation. I collected the clip and tried to save it. Got it saved to my hard drive, but CTA4 crashed. I restarted the program and tried to import the saved animation as it was not in the content manager. Crash! I shut down my computer for a few minutes. Got up and running again and tried to import the saved animation, as it never made it into the Content Manager. Crash! Gave up on that, and went back to my last save. Started re-doing the animation when...crash.
OS: Mac OS 10.14
  • Screen Shot 2019-04-24 at 11.51.00 AM.png
  •  7
  •  5319
Submitted byOldRoz
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I'm finding a lot of similar reports.  I'm a CT8 user who is having issues very similar in nature to this, despite the different software.   On both Windows and MAC, the same issue is being reported by many.    I'm hoping I don't have to give up this new purchase as I think it's cool as hell, but ...  it's gonna be reliable ;-/
Windows 版本的CAT4也有同样问题,CPU占用量非常大,造成死机或退出。
I was never able to figure out how to send my project files.
I have ticket #161691. Here is the crash report. The people who handle tickets have my video. Here is a dropbox link to it.

Please let me know whether or not you can fix the problem. I'm back to using CTA 3, even though I paid $300 USD for CTA 4.
Am working on all of that now. I am editing the video (and uploading it to dropbox as was requested in Ticket #161691). I will also post it on Youtube. I tried to  save the crash reports to text but can't do it. I recorded them on video instead. They can stop and start it. I'm spending a ton of time on crash reports, screen captures, and now a video...but not on any projects as this program crashes the minute I try to do anything. If this is not compatible with Mac, it should not be marketed as such. I am out hundreds of dollars and God knows how many hours of work. If CTA 4 won't work, I will try with CTA 3 again (had trouble with this too, though). But if I can only use CTA3, I want my money back for CTA 4, and I don't care if it has been over 14 days since my purchase. CTA 4 is worthless for Mac users in its current state.
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