Character Creator 4
Issue 11473
GoZ Plus not working
When I send a model from ZBrush to CC4 I get the error "Because this data transfer from ZBrush is not performed using the CC GoZ Plus plugin, Diffuse and Normal maps will not be updated. Would you like to proceed?"

Using ZBrush 2022.0.8
The box "Enable GoZ Plus" is checked on the GoZ Settings dialoge box.

As far as I can tell, I did install the Plus plug-in. Is there a way to re-install it or confirm it's installed properly?

A new issue has cropped up. Now I can't send anything to ZBrush, but I can send models to CC4.

When I click the GoZ button to send the models to ZBrush, I get the following error:
"The GoZ has been interrupted due to data processing in ZBrush. Please wait for the process to finish, or click the "Restart CC GoZ Plus" button in the ZBrush CC GoZ Plus plugin if this message persists, then try again."

I was able to send models to ZBrush yesterday and not today. Nothing has changed in my system, not even any updates.
I can't find this button mentioned in either ZBrush or CC4.
I've reinstalled the GoZ plugin on the ZBrush side multiple times.
Restarting doesn't do anything.
Reinitializing ZBrush doesn't do anything.
I get the same error even when ZBrush isn't running, so that seems to indicate CC4 isn't actually communicating with ZBrush when exporting.
OS: Windows 10
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Submitted bybloodylemming
I spoke a bit too soon. The second issue is resolved, but the first one remains. It still claims to not be using the Plus plugin when transferring from ZBrush.
Damn. Why couldn't I see that before?  Thank you very much.
Feedback Tracker Admin

1. The new CC GoZ Plus plugin is located under ZB > Zplugin. 

2. If you are unable to use GoZ, it may be due to a crash in ZB. Please go to the CC GoZ Plus section in ZB and click the 'Restart CC GoZ Plus' button to restore normal GoZ functionality.

3. If you cannot see the CC GoZ ZB Plugin in ZB, please check if folder CCGoZData and file CCGoZ.zsc are under C:\Program Files\Maxon ZBrush 2024\ZStartup\ZPlugs64 (Default zbrush 2024 install path). If not, please copy from <path to chraracter creator>\Character Creator 4\Resource\ICGoZBrush\ZBScript to ZPlugs64. CC GoZ Plus will be under Zplugin. 

Step1: Find the path to CC, and copy the following two files:
Character Creator 4\Resource\ICGoZBrush\ZBScript\CCGoZ.zsc
Character Creator 4\Resource\ICGoZBrush\ZBScript\CCGoZData

Step2: Paste the path as follows (choose based on your ZB version):
C:\Program Files\Pixologic\ZBrush 2022\ZStartup\ZPlugs64
C:\Program Files\Maxon ZBrush 2022\ZStartup\ZPlugs64

  • restart.png