Cartoon Animator 4
Issue 6902
Bone editor ameliorations ?
I'm very novice in using CTA4 and in animation.
I'm on MacBook Pro and I found it difficult with those features.

Is it possible to modify ?
- when project is modified and you quit or open anothe one, it asks if you want to save he actual project, when clicking Yes it asks for a new name. It should save on the actual name (as with Cmd-S key)
- to navigate through time line only with scroll bars, not possible with mouse
- Bones : when removing bones (for instance at the end of the structure) it deletes all the bone-chain (not only the last one or those after the deleted, also those before the deleted)
- When adding a bone, by passing over an existing bone the colour does not change (from yellow to green), I cannot tell if I'm actually connecting the new bone to existing one. (it’s easier to connect new bones when I just clicked the button « Add bone » so the cursor is an arrow and the connection is automatic, else the cursor is a « + » and the connection not possible)

Thank you very much,
OS: Mac OS 10.15
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  •  724
Submitted bymatthieu2246