Rank system
You can change the soldier’s rank by replacing textures from the Material Name marked with “Rank”. Please drag the rank image to the Base Color channel to add the rank mark.
You can use the same method to apply the png masked material to the metallic helmet.
Two Ways to Apply Helmets
Apply Helmet in ccCloth format

The ccCloth-format helmets can be found from Cloth\Others.

It’s made in one piece of skinned mesh, so you can directly click and apply it to a character just like other cloth items. It can automatically conform to the character’s head shape.
However, if the head shape is heavily varied, the helmet will distort to fit the head scale, it also conform to the ears in the case below.
Apply Helmet in ccAccessory format

The ccAccessory-format helmets can be found from Accessory\Head.

You can freely align the helmet to different locations, it gives you the high flexibly on wearing or carrying the helmet. You can even detach it from the character and make it a prop placed aside.

Apply the straps (ccCloth) to the character, it will automatically conform to the head shape. Scale, move and rotate the helmet to your liking.
More Video Tutorials from the Author : adolf.antareus
Working with textures to optimize the pack.
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