How to Assemble a Street?
How to Use iProps?
How to Assemble a Street?
You can create you scene as blow.
A Use Transform Tool to change the location/size of the props.
B Replace/ assemble building elements in the Composer Mode.
C Change the color of the props in Composer Mode/Color Editor.
D Put street objects on your street!
For more details, please follow the step-by-step instructions below.
A. Use Transform Tool to change the location/size of the props.
A-1 Apply the Road in Scene/Props.(eg. Road_02-2 & Banquette.)
A-2 Click on Banquette in the Scene Manager.
A-3 You can drag Banquette to a new location directly in the Viewport or via the Transform Tool.
A-4 Assemble your street by following the steps above.
B. Replace/ assemble building elements in Composer Mode.
You can replace any building elements and adjust the location of any building elements.
B-1 Click on House 01 in Scene Manager.
B-2 Switch to Props Composer Mode.
B-3 Select any building element that you want to replace in the Viewport. (eg. Window_01)
  Double click on the elements that you want in the Content Manager (eg. Window_02), and you will see that the window has been replaced.
B-4 You can apply other building elements and move them.
  Tip. When you need to apply other building elements, please make sure that there is no active prop in Viewport. If the prop is active, it will be replaced.
C. Change the color of props in Composer Mode/Color Editor.
C-1 Click on any house (eg. house 01), and then click the Color Editor in Props Composer Mode.
C-2 You can change the color of all the beams and roof at once.
C-3 If You want to change the color of the brick wall, please select Wall_B01 in Scene Manager.
Select brick in Color Editor/Choose Group and adjust it.
C-4 When you finish editing, please click Back to Stage.
D. Put furniture in your apartment!
D-1 Apply other props that you want in the Content Manger, and place them in appropriate.
locations via the Transform Tool.
D-2 Select all props, and right click to select Add to Scene in Viewport. Click Add in Scene/Scene, and it is done!
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