Props & Scenes
From external 3D tools to iClone:

Required version: 3DXchaneg2 and above
You may export any props in OBJ, 3DS, or SKP formats, and then convert them via 3DXchange for use in iClone.

From iClone to external 3D tools:

Required version: 3DXchaneg4 PRO and above
You may export still objects from iClone to other 3D tools in OBJ format (no 3DS and SKP). If you wish to export the props with animations, then you are suggested to do it via FBX format.

Below are some examples on how to import, and export, props and scenes between iClone and other tools.

Unity & iClone

3DXchange5 allows you to export props or props with animations from iClone to Unity via OBJ/FBX formats. In these examples, we will show you how to export iClone props to the Unity game engine.
Importing Static Mesh to Unity3D Workflow

Unreal (UDK) & iClone

3DXchange5 allows you to export props or props with animations from iClone to Unreal via OBJ/FBX formats. In this example, we will show you how to export iClone props to the Unreal game engine.
Importing Static Mesh to Unreal Workflow

SketchUp & iClone

SketchUp is an award-winning program that delivers a completely new way to design and create in 3D. Here, we show you how to use SketchUp as a free modeling tool for iClone, and how to bring in millions of 3D models from 3D Warehouse at no cost.
SketchUp to iClone - Tutorial

Vue & iClone

Vue is a 3D scene generator that not only creates terrains, but also sky box/domes, props and plants. All these models can be easily converted into iClone content thanks to 3DXchange.
Vue to iClone - Workflow