Importing Bone Skin Characters into Unreal

Load character or animal into 3DXchange5

There are lots of characters, props and animals inside iClone or in the online marketplace. You may export these characters with perform animations to Unreal in FBX format via 3DXchange5.

Export FBX settings in 3DXchange5

Go to "File" >> "Export to other 3D format" >> "FBX", Select preset as "Game Engine - Unreal" in the FBX export window.

Import bone skin FBX to UDK with Content Browser

Set "Package", "Grouping" and "Name". Select Import Type as "Skeletal Mesh".

Import FBX animation

Double-click on your "Skeletal Mesh" to open AnimeSet Editor. Create "New AnimSet" to enable "Import FBX animations". You'll see your animation in the "Anim" list after importing.