The Soft Body Simulation (New for 5)

Please follow the steps below for simulating physics animations of soft bodies.

  1. Select a prop or an accessory. You are allowed to select multiple objects to assign the same physics setting at the same time.

    Closed object

    Singular surface

  2. Activate physics by clicking the Physics Settings (Shortcut: Shift + F9). Enable the Active Physics and press down on the Soft Body tab.
    You may use the Preset drop-down list to apply a soft-body preset instead of setting individual values.

    Please refer to the links below for more information about the parameters in the Physics Object Settings panel.

  3. Turn on the Soft Body Simulation by clicking the corresponding button on the right side of the tool bar. Please note that if you put soft bodies in your project, then you must press down on this button.
  4. It is highly suggested that you switch to By Frame mode for each simulation by clicking the Play Mode Switch (Shortcut: F9) button.
  5. Click the Play button (Shortcut: Space bar) to start the simulation.

Soft Body Simulation, Playing and Rendering

Since the soft body simulation exhausts your system resources, then you need to know the timing of when to turn on the Soft Body Simulation.

Please note that when you export the project, the soft body animation will always be calculated no matter if the "Soft Body Simulation" is on or off.

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Soft Bodies Only

Soft Body Simulation - Off:

  • The physics animations can not be seen in the preview window.
  • CPU loadings are light.

Soft Body Simulation must be switched ON before exporting.

Soft Bodies and Rigid Bodies

(No collision between them)

Soft Body Simulation - Off:

  • The physics animations can not be seen in the preview window.
  • CPU loadings are light.

Soft Bodies and Rigid Bodies

(Colliding with each other)

Soft and Rigid Body Simulation - On:

  • Turn on the Soft and Rigid Body Simulation to ensure collision.
  • The collision effects of the Rigid Bodies can be recorded into their Animation track.
  • CPU loadings are heavier.