IK, FK for Non-Human Actor

If you have non-human actors in iClone, you may also utilize IK and FK to adjust the poses and generate motions for them.

FK for Non-Human Actor

  1. Right-click on the non-human actor and select Motion Menu/Edit Motion.

  2. Select Rotate tool in the control bar.

  3. Click on the non-human actor to pick a bone. Alternatively, you may pick a bone by clicking on the node in the tree view in the Edit Motion Layer panel.

Click on the actor to pick the bone.

Click bone in the panel.

  1. Drag Left Mouse Button to rotate the selected bone.

Please refer to the What is IK/FK and How to Use FK sections for more information about FK.

IK for Non-Human Actor

Since IK relates to a chain of nodes, it is necessary to anchor the head of the chain so you may move the end node with IK method.

  1. Right-click on the non-human actor and select Motion Menu/Edit Motion.

  2. Select the Move tool in the control bar.

  3. Hold down Ctrl key and click on a node to define it as the start of the IK chain. It then is marked with a blue box.

    You may Ctrl click again to cancel the anchor.

  4. Pick another node to be the end node of the chain. (don't hold Ctrl key)

Ctrl-click to anchor the start of the IK chain.

Click another bone as the end of the IK chain.

  1. Drag across the 3D viewer to modify the whole chain with IK control.

Please refer to the What is IK/FK and How to Use IK sections for more information about IK.


  • If you intend to set a node as Absolute, check the box next to the node in the Edit Motion Layer panel.

  • For more information about Absolute/Relative, please refer to the Absolute and Relative Bone section.

  • You may also refer to the Select Bone section for more information about the IK Constrain and the Mirror features.