Converting Non-human Motions to Human Motions (for Pro only)

The iMotion is a unique motion file format for iClone characters. It is divided into two categories, one is Human Motion and the other is Non-human Motion.

Human Motions are Universal for Standard and Non-Standard human characters.

The human iMotion can be applied to Standard and Non-Standard human characters.

The Non-Human Motions are specific for Non-human Character or any other non-human characters with identical bone-skinned structures (results are not guaranteed).

The non-human iMotion can only be applied to Non-human characters (bone-skinned structures must be identical).

With 3DXchange, you are able to convert these private motions for Non-human Characters into iMotions that are universal for Standard and Non-Standard human characters.

  1. Press Ctrl + N to open new a project.
  2. Load a Non-human character.
  3. Load the iMotions, that are private for this charactesrs, into the Motion Library by drag and dropping.
  4. Click the Convert to Non-Standard button in the Character section to characterize the character to a non-standard character.
  5. Once you have characterized the character and left the Characterization mode, then the motions in the Motion Library will also be converted to universal.
  6. Click the Add All to Perform to add the motions into the Perform Editor.
  7. Export the character with motions (if your purpose is to merely convert motions, then you do not need to export the character but only export the motions).
  8. Search the exported folder in the Custom Motion library. The converted motions will be turned turn into universal and can be applied to any kind of Standard and Non-Standard human character.

    The converted iMotions can be applied to Standard and Non-Standard human characters.