Converting Multiple Human Motions

In addition to convert single human motion, you are able to convert multiple human motions from a same or different human motion generators via 3DXchange. After the conversion, the motions can be applied to any standard or non-standard character in iClone.

Supported File Format


.FBX (with human motions)


Step 1: Preparation before Conversion

Before converting multiple human motions, you need to set the environment to the one that is able to load motions.

Preparing a Custom Character

If you want to convert human motions with a custom character, then follow the steps below:

  1. Press Ctrl + N to new a project.
  2. Load a human-shaped character file and characterize the character. Please refer to the Converting Models to Non-Standard Human Characters section for more information.
  3. Remember to save the characterization profile for using it later.


    • If you load an iClone default character, then skip this step.

Preparing with Human Motion File

If you do not have any character to load, then you can merely load a human file before conversion.

  1. Press Ctrl + N to new a project.
  2. Load a human motion file and characterize the motion. Because the motion file contains no character mesh and bones, 3DXchange will automatically generate stick-shaped meshes for better observation. Please refer to the Converting a Human Motion to iClone iMotion section for more information.
  3. Remember to save the characterization profile for using it later.

Step 2: Loading Multiple Human Motions from Different Source 3D Tools

After the environment is set, you may start to load multiple human motion files into the Motion Library of 3DXchange.

  1. Select one or more human motion files in the browser. Please note that the files MUST be in a same format (*.BVH, *.FBX or *.iMotion) and generated from a same source 3D tool with identical bone structure.
  2. Drag and drop the motions to the Motion Library in the Animation section of 3DXchange.
  3. According to the format of the motions, you may encounter three situations:
  4. Characterize the motions:

Step 3: Adding Motions to Perform Editor

After loading the desired motions, you must add the motions to the Perform List because 3DXchange only exports the motions according to the Perform List status instead of exporting the motions in the Motion Library.

  1. Add motions to Perform Editor.
  2. Modify the name, the length for each motion in the perform list. Please refer to the Animation Section for more information.

Step 4: Export the Motions

  1. Click the Export button (Shortcut: Ctrl + E) to export the motions.
  2. Adjust the settings for exporting in the panel.
    • If you want to export the character, then activate the Geometry box.
    • Activate the Animation box to export motions in the Perform Editor list.
    • The motions will be stored into a folder with the custom name you put in the File Name field
    • Select iClone 5 from the iClone Version drop-down list.
    • It is highly suggest that you use the iClone Content Folder as your destination folder because it is easier to explore the exported assets.
  3. Click the OK button to export. The motions can be found in the following path:
    Motions: Character: