Purchasing Export License

For character related items such as Character, Hair, Eyes, Teeth, Head, Upper Body, Lower Body, Gloves, Shoes, CloneCloth, Materials and Accessories, you will need to composite them to form a character with a custom design so that you know exactly know what items are ideal for purchasing.

Step 1: Downloading and Compositing

  1. Follow the Trial to Buy Online iContent in the previous section to download the trial versions of all the desired items that are related to the characters.
  2. Composite the items together in a character inside iClone.
  3. If you are satisfied with the look, then select the character (make sure you have switched to the Actor >> Avatar page) and click the Edit in 3DXchange button to transfer the character to 3DXchange.

    The Edit in 3DXchange button in the Modify panel in iClone.

    The custom-composited character is transferred to 3DXchange.

Step 2: Purchasing the Export License

You may click the Buy Export License button to buy the content for export into other 3D tools. Please refer to the section below for more information about the purchasing procedure: