In 3DXchange, if you find any content that is highlighted in Maroon, then the content can only be used in iClone. Exporting the content to other 3D tools in FBX or BVH formats is prohibited.
iContent is highlighted in Maroon. |
The content can only be used in iClone. |
In order to export the content to other 3D tools, you need to first purchase the Export License.
There are two ways to start purchasing the Export License in 3DXchange:
Click the Checkout button to start purchasing Export License through the online shopping cart. |
If any of the objects are not yet available online, you will see more information to inform you about the item's status. You may click the Please check the Release Schedule Page link to see the date for the item to be released online. |
After entering the portal, you can start purchasing the Export License through the online shopping cart.