Introducing the Key Editor

Invoking Key Editor

The Key editor facilitates setting or modifying keys in the Transform, Face, Head, Eyes or Shoulders tracks by using a more intuitive and interactive interface. To invoke the Key Editor, you may:

1. Solo Feature Selection

Select to highlight the desired features to convert the changes into keys.

2. Add/Modify Head Key

Select to rotate / tilt the head.

3. Add/Modify Transform Key

Select to move the model around.

4. Expression Detail

Click to manually change the muscle movement strength on the face.

5. Set Key

Click to add a new key or apply the changes to an existing key.

6. Auto Key

Check this checkbox to automatically add or modify a key everytime you make a change.

7. Default Key

Click to set a key that neutralizes all adjustments.

8. Resume

Click to return to the last state before clicking the Set Key button.

9. Clear Selection

Deselect all features.